Read how SAM4 caught a failing cardan shaft coupling in a runout table roll for this steel manufacturer.
Failure mode
Looseness caused by a fatigued cardan shaft coupling.
How SAM4 helped
SAM4 flagged a sudden spike in the first current interharmonic at all the roller’s operating points. Several events with the same signature had been previously diagnosed on this and other rollers at this customer, so we were fairly certain we were looking at a failing coupling. We notified the customer and put the asset on red alert. One week later the customer performed maintenance, but the interharmonic values remained high. The customer explained that they hadn’t had time to replace the coupling during the planned window. Two days later they did replace it, and the roller’s electrical signature returned to normal.
“SAM4 has caught every failure in advance on these specific couplings, and never flagged one that wasn’t there. We view Samotics’ notifications as a trusted source and act accordingly.”